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class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Version control with git ## Slightly more fun than setting your laptop on fire ###
Danielle Navarro
<i class="fab fa-twitter faa-float animated "></i> @djnavarro
11 December 2018 --- class: split-60 bg-main1 .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ # What? Why? How? .pull.left[.pad1[ .font2[ - .orange[**What?**] Version control, collaboration, back up - .orange[**Why?**] Everyone has a laptop fire one day - .orange[**How?**] No-one really knows. ]]] ]] -- .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/git_2x.png", width="70%"> ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: split-60 bg-main1 .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ # Structure of this section .pull.left[.pad1[ .font2[ - This is interactive: don't just listen, code! - Slide structure mirrors the tutorial: - https://djnavarro.github.io/chdss2018/git.html - Goal is to build a repository that we'll use later ]]] ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/git_2x.png", width="70%"> ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle hide-slide-number .reveal-text.bg-main2[.pad1[ .font4[Installing git] ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: split-two bg-main1 .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ # How to install <br> .pull.left[.pad1[ ### Windows users: ### https://gitforwindows.org/ <br> ### Mac users: ### Install Xcode from App Store (warning: 6Gb) ]] ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/gfw.png", width="70%"> ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: split-two bg-main1 .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ # How to install <br> .pull.left[.pad1[ ### Windows users: ### https://gitforwindows.org/ <br> ### Mac users: ### Install Xcode from App Store (warning: 6Gb) ]] ]] .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/gitcommand.png", width="100%"> ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle hide-slide-number .reveal-text.bg-main2[.pad1[ .font4[Configuring git] ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 .pad2[ .font3[Configuring git] .pull.left[.font2[ - Git (& later, GitHub) needs to know your name and email - Choose wisely! GitHub has educational discounts - From the Windows command prompt / Mac terminal: ] ```{} git config --global user.name 'Danielle Navarro' git config --global user.email 'd.navarro@unsw.edu.au' ``` ]] -- .pad2[.pull.left[.font2[ - Other configurable things: ] ```{} git config --list ``` ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle hide-slide-number .reveal-text.bg-main2[.pad1[ .font4[Get a GitHub account] ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: split-two bg-main1 .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ # Get a GitHub account <br> .pull.left[.pad1[ ### https://github.com/ ### GitHub will host repositories for you ### Allows proper version control ### Ideal for collaborative coding ]] ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/github.png", width="70%"> ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle hide-slide-number .reveal-text.bg-main2[.pad1[ .font4[Creating a repository on GitHub] ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: split-two bg-main1 .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ # How to create a repo <br> .pull.left[.pad1[ ### Select new repository (The + in the top right) ### Fill out details (See adjacent panel) ### Celebrate! (See notes for extras) ]] ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/new_repository3.jpg", width="70%"> ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle hide-slide-number .reveal-text.bg-main2[.pad1[ .font4[Clone to your local machine] ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: split-two bg-main1 .row.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ # At the Windows Command Prompt .pull.left[.pad1[ ```{} cd C:\Users\Dan\GitHub git clone https://github.com/YOURUSERNAME/summerschool.git ``` ]] ]] -- .row.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ # At the Mac OS Terminal .pull.left[.pad1[ ```{} cd /Users/Dan/GitHub git clone https://github.com/YOURUSERNAME/summerschool.git ``` ]] ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle # The result is a local copy of the repository <br> <img src="images/clonedrepo.jpg", width="70%"> <br> <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle hide-slide-number .reveal-text.bg-main2[.pad1[ .font4[Learning about your repository] ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: split-60 bg-main1 .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ # How do you feel? .pull.left[.pad1[ ```{} git status ``` ```{} On branch master Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working tree clean ``` ]] ]] -- .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/gitstatus.png" width="100%"> ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: split-70 bg-main1 .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ # Where is your home? .pull.left[.pad1[ ```{} git remote --verbose ``` ```{} origin https://github.com/djnavarro/summerschool.git (fetch) origin https://github.com/djnavarro/summerschool.git (push) ``` ]] ]] -- .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/github1.png", width="70%"> ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle hide-slide-number .reveal-text.bg-main2[.pad1[ .font4[Making local changes] ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle # Let's open the README.md file in RStudio <br> <img src="images/readme_rstudio.jpg", width="50%"> <br> <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: split-two bg-main3 .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ # Edit the file... <br> <img src="images/quinn_typing.gif", width="100%"> <br> ]] ]] -- .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ .pull.left[.pad1[.font2[ - Suggestion... take a look at what I did - The .md file is written using "markdown" - We'll use markdown for documents later! ]]] .pull.left[.pad1[.font2[ Illustration: - This is the [raw markdown](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/djnavarro/summerschool/master/README.md) - This is the [rendered markdown](https://github.com/djnavarro/summerschool/blob/master/README.md) ]]] ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 split-two .column[ ] .column[ ] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle # Click the preview button... <br> <img src="images/readme_rstudio2.jpg", width="90%"> <br> <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle hide-slide-number .reveal-text.bg-main2[.pad1[ .font4[Making a local commit] ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: split-two bg-main1 .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ .pull.left[.pad1[ .font2[It's a "simple" three-step process...] .font2[ - check the status - add (stage) the changes - commit the changes ] ```{} git status git add --all git commit -m "YOUR MESSAGE HERE" ``` .font2[... see [the tutorial](https://djnavarro.github.io/chdss2018/git.html) for details] ]] ]] -- .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/fireworks.gif" width="90%"> ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle hide-slide-number .reveal-text.bg-main2[.pad1[ .font4[Pushing your commits to GitHub] ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: split-two bg-main1 .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ .pull.left[.pad1[ .font2[Pushing your changes to GitHub] ```{} git push -u origin master ``` ]] ]] -- .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/updated_repository.jpg" width="90%"> ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: split-two bg-main1 .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ ## .orange[Skills learned so far?] .pull.left[.pad1[.font2[ - Creating a git repository - Making changes and commiting them - Pushing changes to GitHub ]]] ## .orange[What does this buy us?] .pull.left[.pad1[.font2[ - Backing up files on GitHub - Sharing code with public repositories - Transparency: git commits leave trails ]]] ]] -- .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ ## Is that all? Really? <img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/hiu4RJvbEBUVq/giphy.gif" width="90%"> ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle hide-slide-number .reveal-text.bg-main2[.pad1[ .font4[Collaboration via GitHub] ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle # To add a collaborator on GitHub <br> <img src="images/addcontributor.jpg", width="90%"> <br> <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: split-two bg-main1 .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ # Collaborators can work on it too... .pull.left[.font2[.pad1[ - Try it: invite someone and have them - Clone your repo - Commit some changes - Push up to GitHub ]]] ]] -- .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ # How do you get their changes? .pull.left[.pad1[.font2[ ```{} git pull ``` ]]] ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: split-two bg-main1 .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ # You can work simultaneously .pull.left[.font2[.pad1[ - If you're not editing the same thing - Make local commits whenever you like - Remember to pull before you push! ]]] ]] -- .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ # But beware... of merge conflicts <img src="images/daria_burning.gif" width = "90%"> <!--<img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/10Iu43S5QuBTMc/giphy.gif" width = "90%">--> ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle hide-slide-number .reveal-text.bg-main2[.pad1[ .font4[The pay off!] ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle # You can code together with many people... <br> <img src="images/learngganimate.png", width="100%"> <br> <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle <br> <img src="images/team.jpg", width="60%"> <br> <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle # Collaborative coding can be pretty! <br> <img src="images/wake8-1.gif", width="50%"> <br> <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle # Or fabulously absurd! <br> <img src="images/rupaulgif-1.gif", width="50%"> <br> <!-- DONE --> --- class: bg-main1 middle center ## thank u, next