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class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Projects & R Markdown ## You’ll thank yourself later ###
Danielle Navarro
<i class="fab fa-twitter faa-float animated "></i> @djnavarro
11 December 2018 --- class: bg-main1 center middle hide-slide-number .reveal-text.bg-main2[.pad1[ .font4[RStudio projects] ]] --- class: split-two bg-main1 .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ # Introduction <br> .pull.left[.pad1[ ### .orange[**What?**] Tool for R to track your project ### .orange[**Why?**] Because file paths are a nightmare ### .orange[**How?**] I'm so glad you asked... ]] ]] -- .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/rprojlogo.png", width="70%"> ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: split-two bg-main1 .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ # How to create .pull.left[.pad1[.font2[ - RStudio projects menu (top right) - New Project > Existing Directory - Create in the same folder as the git repo - Drop down list of projects in the menu As usual, the details are in [the tutorial](https://djnavarro.github.io/chdss2018/projects.html) ]]] ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/new_rstudio_project3.jpg", width="100%"> ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle # Behold our creation! <br> <img src="images/new_rstudio_project4.jpg", width="100%"> <br> <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: split-two bg-main1 .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ # One benefit to projects... .pull.left[.pad1[ .font2[ - Close RStudio. Reopen by clicking .Rproj file - R is automatically in the "correct" folder - Switch between projects using the menu ] ]] ]] -- .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/fireworks.gif" width="90%"> ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle hide-slide-number .reveal-text.bg-main2[.pad1[ .font4[Taking the pain out of file paths] ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle # Only you can prevent laptop fires <br> <img src="images/jennybryan.png", width="60%"> [@JennyBryan](https://twitter.com/JennyBryan) <br> <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 .pad2[ .pull.left[.font2[ - The "here" package is better than a laptop fire - Detects the .Rproj file (or a .here file if you have one) - Tells you where the project root is: ] ```r library(here) ``` ]] -- .pad2[.pull.left[.font2[ - Use the here function to specify paths: ] ```r location <- here("analysis","data","mydatafile.csv") print(location) ``` ``` ## [1] "C:/Users/Dan/GitHub/sites/chdss2018/analysis/data/mydatafile.csv" ``` ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: split-two bg-main1 .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ # git + projects + here .pull.left[.pad1[ .font2[ Your code... - is portable across operating systems - is easy for other people to download - stills works if you move the folder - doesn't produce "mysterious" fires ] ]] ]] -- .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/fireworks.gif" width="90%"> ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle hide-slide-number .reveal-text.bg-main2[.pad1[ .font4[R Markdown] ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: split-two bg-main1 .column.bg-main1[.content.vmiddle.center[ .pull.left[.pad1[ .font2[ - File > New File > R Markdown - Enter information in dialog box (right) - Save the file - Click "Knit" ] ]] ]] .column.bg-main3[.content.vmiddle.center[ <img src="images/new_rmarkdown2.jpg", width="90%"> ]] <!-- *********** NEW SLIDE ************** --> --- class: bg-main1 center middle # The result is a nice HTML file and a short R Markdown tutorial.<br>Before the next part, try writing something with R Markdown <br> <img src="images/knittedmarkdown.png", width="70%"> <br> <!-- DONE --> --- class: bg-main1 middle center ## thank u, next